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Making Your Social Media Customer Ready


These are some steps that you can take for your social media to be customer ready.

There is no doubt - the way to making your business visible to a wider audience is by being on the digital space. This might sound simple, but social media can be a very overwhelming place. There’s coming up with content ideas, learning new features, connecting, and so on. That’s why social media management is full time job, on it’s own.

One of the most common mistakes that businesses make is to fill up their profiles with endless content, without having their customers in mind and without defining what their customers need. This may derive you from the chances of standing out in the sea of sameness.

In this article, we aim to help you make your social media page a customer ready one. Define your customers, work on an offence, build on your defence and strike a balance.

Define who your customers are

Before you jump into brainstorming about the content for your page, you must first define who you are targeting.

Who is this for?

What is their story?

What are their problems that I can solve?

What sort of solutions can I provide to help meet their needs?

What’s one thing that we have that they will definitely like?

Dig deeper, and try to be in their shoes. The more detailed their profile is, the more you will be able to understand their point of view. Define about 3 different personas, and have a clear understanding of their needs and what you as a business can do to cater to them.

Work on your offence

Think of offence as going out there - something that you do to reach out to the customers.

Offence, in this context can be many things

  • Marketing

  • Reaching out

  • Sponsored ads

  • Collaborations

  • DM

  • Commenting

There is a reason why Social Media is called “Social”.

Since you have determined who your customers are, this part is simpler, as you are focused on a defined group of people, with defined problems and defined solutions.

Work your way through them. If something doesn’t work, improvise. If something works, then amplify it.

But reaching out alone will not be enough. Besides, once you get their attention, what do you plan to do about it?

This brings us to the next point:

Build on your defence

You’ve done your part in reaching out. You’ve turned heads to look your way, and now they’re coming for you. What do you do?

When we say defence, we are looking at preparing for the incoming.

This is more towards what you have prepared for the customers who are inclined to check you out.

On social media, defence can come in many forms.

  • Content creation

  • Optimising Profile

  • Clear Bio

  • Consistent engagement

  • Active audience

As you have already defined your customers, content creation will be much simpler. Imagine the questions that your defined customers will ask for, and try to develop ideas from there. These ideas can be your outline to fill your page with content suited for the targeted group.

Remember to have two-way conversations. When they interact with you, you must interact with them. This is the way to turn customers into an audience, and an audience into a community.

And one more thing:


When Offence > Defence, then they may have no clue what you lead them to, as your profile is not filled with what they want to see.

When Defence > Offence, it means you are not putting enough effort to constantly find people. You are relying for them to come to you.

When Defence ~ Offence, you have a great balance between constantly reaching out and entertaining those who come. You want to be here in order to grow, and have the maximum impact with your social media.


We hope this helps give you a glimpse of how to make your social media page customer ready.

Our goal at AiCreativv, a multidisciplinary design agency in Brunei is to help ambitious businesses build brand strategy, identity design and social media that inspires.

If you happen to be looking for social media management for your business or company, feel free to contact us at, and we’d be happy to discuss about your projects.

AiCreativv is open to speak between 30 minutes to 1 hour long on a variety of topics: Social media, Branding, Design & Sharing experiences.

Let’s make the magic happen together.


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